Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Livial Medication After Hysterectomy

Mussolini appears as a leader in the eyes of our rulers, but of course! Apocalypse now

Nell 'expectation that life presents new and unexpected surprises or live another day joyglorioso, I 'm bored and I'm looking various web pages, as thanks to God the CRT is completely out of my life.
I move towards the 'information (which gives me more calories ..) eg IUNGO to home de L 'Espresso.
After several menate inphognata on the situation of Alitalia, I see a picture of a Brescia, now honored our dear minister of "go-to-get-fuck" Education and I realize that among the usual crap, something different this summer 'is really out in the traces of Italian!
publishing the short piece (I'm sorry, but I am only wasting followed for consideration):
tells us Telesio Malaspina nell' articolo " Extraterrestre, portala via " :
<<[...]Poi c'era il tema sul rapporto tra giovani e politica, molto più scivoloso di quello che poteva sembrare. [...]
Notevole che nei documenti allegati alla traccia, sotto il titolo "parlano i leader" – ci fosse subito una brano di Mussolini, seguito da Palmiro Togliatti. Si apprende quindi che, per il ministero, Mussolini è un leader, esattamente come il segretario one of the constituent parties of the republic.
We review time, in fact.>>.

Article integrle the following link:

First of all suppose to go back to those famous days of maturity (.. so I did not shit to do ..) and I'm in a row between the benches, reading the track and I find myself in his hands a text that presents our dear leader as a dictator and said Ossanna .. no .. can not be explained, carried the text handed students:

"But then, gentlemen, such as butterflies go looking under the arch of Tito?
Well, I declare here, in the presence of this Assembly and in the presence of the Italian people, I assume, I alone, the responsibility for political, moral, historical all that has happened. (Vivid and repeated applause - Many voices: all with you with you all!) If the sentences or less mangled enough to hang a man out of the post and out of the rope, if fascism is not state oil castor and baton, and not a proud passion of the best Italian youth, to blame me! (Applause). If fascism was a criminal, I am the leader of this conspiracy! (Deepest and sustained applause - Many voices: all with you!) "
Benito Mussolini Speech January 3, 1925
(from Acts of Parliament - the Chamber of Deputies - Twenty-seventh Legislature - 1st Session - Discussions - Back of January 3, 1925
Statements by the President of the Council)
The proof you can see the Italian from the site if you do not believe in the ministry:

First consideration: in a period of Berlusconi takes a cheek to ask why the policy featherless leavers gaining more confidence among young people "entitled" to vote;

Second consideration: symbolism and sublimation, a mio parere, in questa traccia vengono utilizzate fortemente, quando dopo il testo ( che di per se risulta essere anche abbastanza indigesto per le cose che chiede ) presenta nei documenti allegati, come primo leader a parlare dell' argomento il signor Benito Mussolini, con una enfasi ed una verve tutta speciale, che mi ha riportato direttamente al '25 quando tutto il paese-scarpa era in fermento per la straordinaria forza di questo grande padre-padrone e tutti si chiamavan balilla.

Terza considerazione: la totale mancanza di cautela nel porre nel medio di un tema di maturità un argomento così politico e politicizzabile.

I have come to mind right away, the faces of my fellow nazi / fascist palmieri lecce that would certainly, without doubt, lick your fingers and run a great reflection on what the policy is running and what the values \u200b\u200btouted by Mussolini were wise and effective and if there is time also on the state of degradation in the city thanks to the 'illegal immigration!

And then the teachers! Wheeled back to me that that kind of I've had in several years of school: from Rollo Preite Dell, the Turpentine for Ferrante, all those Democrats, ex-fascists of our institutions to see themselves hand over such juicy topics, hot hot would feel pleasure educational immeasurable.

So I, for conculdere, I would have sacrificed (in the sense that I would have said no or gave the least votes as possible, see the history of my exams) in the name of dignity and in accordance with justice and myself, choosing this track, strongly criticizing the bottom of my heart, acconpagnadola with open and direct criticism of my taught over the years were poorly kept and have bought up policy and propagandine in classes where I passed, giving rise to what is there for all to see today: historical revisionism, the 'anti-politics, corruption, 'idea to lick the ass to get to the political rehabilitation of Craxi, the lobotomy of the middle class and the Italian Berlusconi extreme, sometimes even accomapagnato forzanuovismo and surrogates.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Western Chikan - Lady On The Bus

people .. quanta impazzita è che dopo sew it has vissuto sulla propria pelle ...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Propylene Glycol In Hair

El CVT en mi casa es el benvenido.

A year away from a Black Dreams in Grace (which will always have a special place in my heart), quisaz I move to another company and let the music and things I've done with these people.
'm happy with what I say: Finally I propose a new
gigs and this time I feel like Perfet I have to do, what matters to me most of all is that this is a change and it is better.
The most fun thing is that thanks to the new, I feel regenerated.
know I have to get new heads .. and all these things.
A wins, lots of wins to get to work and since the first day to make that clear to everyone that I am, the worth and how it works!

Good luck to all my friends who loves "continuous change."

One bad thing: losing the girls team and with which I had to see this year (really amazing! I love you all!) ..


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Quotes Like Your The Cheese To My Macaroni

Gallipoli: night life, nightlife, dinero.

.. dopo che ho avuto esperienza him to Gallipoli, where può dire che non ne ho fatto greatest treasure.
I say this because out in this delightful and tourist town of Salento and the clubs is the worst thing you can do around here ..
all lounge-approved, with prices like Riviera and house music without a soul.
if you are in gallipoli, like a sea, which is spectacular, stop to eat in the restaurants of the old town (council swordfish to Gallipoli) and in the evening to move Portoselvaggio, for example ..
this post I wrote when I started to use a popular social network after being at the Rio Bo Gallipoli, which is not naturally rigranzio ..
photos were made with a nokia n70, subject: girls attend a local known to me that night.