Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rembrandt Canker Sore Toothpaste In Canada


among engineers and scientists there is always a certain rivalry. The first
argue that engineers are unable to design something truly functional and you can play around for the ongoing maintenance, without having the tool kit Mazzinghi, arms Rubber Man, the fingers of a child 3 months though linked to the strength of the Thing.
The latter argue that the technicians do not understand the procedures maintenance, are unable to understand what is the appropriate tool for intervention and, above all, if you do not get their hands on their jewelry design, they would have far fewer problems.

I know many of you are engineers, but I ask you, in the case shown in the picture below, who would you right?

The detail refers to a baffle piece bulkhead, mounted on a recent model helicopter which costs over and dance around 10 million €.
The various components of the bulkhead are connected through the common steel screws. The area photographed the bulkhead upper ends with a profile on L which houses the female receptacles (in pratica dei piccoli scodellini metallici alti circa 15 mm) delle viti a baionetta che servono a fissare le capottature superiori dell'elicottero.

Ora qualche genio ha posizionato quest'ultimo elemento esattamente sulla stessa linea delle viti che collegano le diverse parti della paratia, di modo che la testa dell'ultima vite della fila si trova precisamente dietro il citato scodellino (che evidentemente รจ stato chiodato in sede dopo aver piazzato la vite) La luce di 3-4 mm tra lo scodellino e la testa della vite impedisce di far passare qual si voglia tipologia di cacciavite angolare e d'altra parte se anche si riuscisse a farlo passare non ci sarebbe lo spazio per far arretrare la vite....
Su 12 viti che collegano il particolare 2 sono cosi designed ....

If you had been the coach who was charged with first remove and then reinstall the bulkhead in question ... What would you have wished for those who have designed such a wonder?

(for engineers real mess ... it ;-))


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