Sunday, January 30, 2011

Auction Fredericton New Brunswick

be a father. Relationship between parenthood and interpretation of Hawking's relativistic physics.

Blogspot is so determined to place this post in a wrong date. For this reason was duplicated in the correct date.
so please post them comments.

Having now reached the majority age of my daughter, I thought that I left behind the period of the awkward questions that have as their opening words "why" in favor of other, perhaps less embarrassing, but usually where a parent feels better prepared to respond and that, perhaps with fear, is preparing to face for years.
So the other night at dinner I was duly prepared to answer questions on love, peace in the universe, the exhaustion of stocks of petroleum and well also on sex, with little children when I innocently asked if I that there is other life intelligent universe, and if I believe you can travel in time?
I put up on how "mature father (but not too much) in front of naive daughter (but not too much) and I reply in order:
A) You think there is other intelligent life in the universe (and I quote pompously Margherita Hack)
B) I do not think you can travel in time.
I relax, down with the guard (on the other hand tonight I will not answer questions about love, sex and universal peace) e. .. SBAMMMMM ... I get the knockout blow.
"Why do not you think the theories of Stephen Hawking?"
falters, stammered something like "Stephen who?" I try to catch me on the ropes but the little child, glimpsed la possibilità di mettermi al tappeto non molla.
"ma si Stephen Hawking... Parli di fisica e non sai chi è Hawking?" (voce angelico accusatoria)
Dall'angolo mi viene in soccorso la mia compagna "a si non è quel fisico con problemi di disabilità che si occupa anche di astronomia" (voi non potete immaginare di quante risorse disponga un insegnate di danza). Per fortuna la cameriera suona il gong con la scusa di prendere le ordinazioni e io ne approfitto per riordinare le idee.
Chiarito di chi si sta parlando la discussione s'incentra su due punti
1-Stephen Hawking (se ho capito bene) non esclude l'esistenza di altra vita nell'universo. Non esclude nemmeno che l'universo abbia visto other intelligent life beyond our own. Believes it unlikely that intelligent life may exist at the same time in this universe. Not impossible but highly unlikely. Even more, it is unlikely, and there would be more appropriate to say, impossible, that these life forms could ever meet.
So far I get it. I can not share at all (but I'm just a poor father, he a great physicist ..) but I understand ...
2 - Stephen Hawking says he is convinced that we can travel in time, but only forward. To prove it is inspired by the famous example of astronauts leaving for a trip at relativistic speeds. On their return they discover that the earth for those left time passed more quickly and a father who left a young child, she discovers that now this is older than him.
Now my daughter tells me about a thought experiment proposed in a CNN documentary, and inspired by this idea of \u200b\u200bHawking. If you build a train that could travel at near the speed of light and a railroad which circumnavigates the globe, the passengers on that train could travel, for example for a week, starting from point A, turning several times around the earth, A decrease to the point and realize that in reality on the ground some years have passed. This is actually a time machine.
And here in front of my mind boggles the paradox. Although he knew the broad outline of the paradoxes of relativity and also that it proposes a truly escapes me.
Speed \u200b\u200bis relative to the observer. So if it is true that the train is moving relative to the earth at a speed close to that of light, it is also true for observers on the train, the earth is moving at that speed while the train rather than to stop them.
a result ... because the passage of time should slow down just for them? If the observers on the ground see the train slow down time, because there should not be the same effect for those off the train, look out the window events?
Who helps me to reaffirm my (benign) parental authority?

For those interested in the articles by Stephen Hawking, I can find some on his website:


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