Monday, January 31, 2011

Signs A Planters Wart Is Dying


Dear Friends .. I'm back here, I'm back! poor I start writing this blog, which appears abandoned for some time now, since I arrived in Bali and this means that they are on holiday and so I have time to tell how much and what I see.
start by saying that the situation here is we just come in 'is truly tropical archipelago. L 'air is heavy with a' high humidity, but despite everything we breathe and in the evening in motion can get to do too cool (this will not affect many, but I hold to be specified).

The many hours of travel and a semi-stenuante waiting in Singapore always conditioned to -10, all in all made me appreciate the gust of warm damp (which took me directly to that in Shanghai in September 2008 when the first Once, I was exposed to the typical climate of the Asian cities).
Everything makes me very happy and urges me to take full of the atmosphere that relaxes the mind and muscles.
In Singapore I also had the "pleasure" to know of the people, here a middle-aged lady in Paris to which I had to act as an interpreter in various situations and three girls from the Singapore Airlines crew that I was delightfully entertained during the 3 hour drive separating the two goals. The flight was really moved, because all the 'area was affected by a storm and I was sitting in the queue so that drinking a glass of' water or food to the mouth parts the company was a pretty tall order. Speaking of rest, yesterday during a tropical downpour around 8 in the evening I had my first shiatsu massage and it seems to me that now my circulation is better. I also have loose muscle that overlap for months that I have right shoulder. It was really a useful thing because after sitting many hours in positions I feel less absurd finalemte incriccato!


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