Friday, February 25, 2011

Are There Any Bath Houses In Sacramento

be a father. Relationship between parenthood and interpretation of Hawking's relativistic physics. 2

Scusate se pubblico doppio questo post ma pare che blogspot abbia deciso di dare i numeri con le date. Continua infatti a ricacciarlo indietro di un mese per quanto io mi ostini a cambiare la data.

Incollo sotto i commenti che erano già stati inseriti.


Avendo ormai raggiunto mia figlia la maggior età, credevo di essermi lasciato alle spalle il periodo delle imbarazzanti domande che hanno come incipit "perché", a favore di altre, forse non meno imbarazzanti, ma a cui un genitore si sente solitamente più preparato a rispondere e che, magari con timore, si prepara to deal with for years.
So the other night at dinner I was duly prepared to answer questions on love, peace in the universe, the exhaustion of stocks of petroleum and well also on sex, with little children when I innocently asked if I that there is other intelligent life in the universe and if you believe in the possibility of time travel?
I put up on how "mature father (but not too much) in front of naive daughter (but not too much) and I reply in order:
A) You think there is other intelligent life in the universe (and I quote pompously Margherita Hack)
B) I do not think you can travel in time.
I relax, down with the guard (on the other hand tonight I will not answer Questions about love, sex and universal peace) e. .. SBAMMMMM ... I get the knockout blow.
"Why do not you think the theories of Stephen Hawking?"
falters, stammered something like "Stephen who?" I try to catch me on the ropes but the little ones, seem possible to knock out does not give up.
"but Stephen Hawking talking about physics ... and do not know who is Hawking?" (Angelic voice accusatory)
From the angle I can help my partner "is not that a physical disability issues that is also involved in astronomy" (you can not imagine how many resources have a dance teacher) . Luckily the maid plays the gong with the excuse to take orders and I take this opportunity to rearrange ideas.
clear who you are talking about the debate focuses on two points
1-Stephen Hawking (as I understand it) does not exclude the existence of other life in the universe. Does not exclude that the universe has seen other intelligent life beyond our own. Believes it unlikely that intelligent life may exist at the same time in this universe. Not impossible but highly unlikely. Even more, it is unlikely, and there would be more appropriate to say, impossible, that these life forms could ever meet.
So far I get it. I can not share at all (but I'm just a poor father, he a great physicist ..) but I understand ...
2 - Stephen Hawking says he is convinced that we can travel in time, but only forward. To prove it is inspired by the famous example of astronauts leaving for a trip at relativistic speeds. Upon their return to Earth to discover that those who stayed past the time is faster and a father who left a young child, she discovers that now this is older than him.
Now my daughter tells me about a thought experiment proposed in a CNN documentary, and inspired by this idea of \u200b\u200bHawking. If you build a train that could travel at near the speed of light and a railroad which circumnavigates the globe, the passengers on that train could travel, For example, for a week, starting from point A, turning several times around the earth, falling back to point A and see that in reality on the ground some years have passed. This is actually a time machine.
And here my mind reels before the paradox. Although he knew the broad outline of the paradoxes of relativity and also that it proposes a truly escapes me.
Speed \u200b\u200bis relative to the observer. So if it is true that the train is moving relative to the earth at a speed close to that of light, it is also true for observers on the train, the earth is moving at that speed while the train rather than to stop them.
a result ... because the passage of time should slow down just for them? If the observers on the ground see the train slow down time, because there should not be the same effect for those off the train, look out the window events?
Who helps me to reaffirm my (benign) parental authority?

For those interested in the articles by Stephen Hawking, I can find some on his website:

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ataru1976 said ...

Fair sure that your daughter has only 18 years?
not that you are to have traveled in the train and now your daughter is in her thirties?
O_O Maybe I'll be unlucky, but the people I know (even more than eighteen years old) I know just talking about the big brother and I, who do not watch it, I never know what to say.

Regarding your question, I think that to understand the experiment, you should place outside of both systems: the train is traveling around BC, not the earth. So
time on the train is accelerated compared to that on Earth.
I hope I was clear and had not shot too many heresies ...

allison said ...

it is the twin paradox, a seeming contradiction to special relativity. In reality, those who get on the train not only moves at the speed of light. but accelerates to reach this speed. This acceleration means that the symmetry breaking.

Orsovolante said ...

I am convinced that you are right but ...
@ ataru because the train traveling near C and the earth not? What is the observer's frame of reference? If he were sitting on a photon from the Sun even the earth travels around C

@ Allison
It also speeds up the land for those who are on the train ... it is true that those who are on the train "change" accelerated frame of reference and then return to the Earth decelerating (ok, it is always in physics acceleration :-)) ... probably in this passage from one reference system to another that's the catch I'm missing. PS my

figlia ha appena compiuto 19 anni... temo qualche volta abbia guardato il GF ma il bello è che fa studi classici.
In ogni caso tendo a riporre nei giovani molta più fiducia di quanto vedo fare da molti adulti e questa cosa è anche causa di molte discussioni con i miei colleghi e conoscenti in genere.

Orsovolante ha detto...


Non ricordavo il nome del paradosso... quello dei gemelli e la tua dritta è quella giusta. In effetti bisogna tenere conto n0on di due ma di tre sistemi inerziali.
Per adesso sto leggendo la soluzione su wiki, poi, se sopravvivono abbastanza neuroni, provo a cercare qualcosa di più scientifico (ma la vedo dura :-) )

Brenderup Horse Trailers


Ieri, mentre rientravo in Piemonte dalla Toscana, ho notato il gran numero di impianti solari che stanno sorgendo sulle colline dell'astigiano e dell'alessandrino.
Tempo fa avevo notato lo stesso proliferare nelle langhe cuneesi.
Ora ritengo che l'investimento solare sia una cosa benemerita, But I feel that just as things are taking place in Italy, you are risking to damage, and large, even in this field.
And I think the fundamental reason why this happens, it is the political will to want to ensure large profits in a few subjects rather than to distribute the benefits among all. Let's be clear
well. I do not mean that the big investors do not have to act in this area or that you should come to a kind of community energy, but I think that the success of "alternative" is inseparable from the ability to "produce from below."
My idea, already expressed in very difficult times, is that the production of solar energy (but in some cases wind power, geothermal etc. ..), goes well with the concept of micro and mini production. "
To be clear I think that would require all legislation that would allow the construction of the roof, or just to put a panel in the garden or on the terrace instead of a parabola.
In theory you can ... practice in the bureaucratic complication is such that everyone I know , lose or give up entirely to completion, or entrusting it to companies that take charge of the implementation and bureaucracy, but also take part in exchange for the proceeds and in fact retain control over the plant for several years.
Well ... in fact we are far from what I saw years ago in a German supermarket where it was sold a kit with 2 solar panels, the special counter for energy exchange between the line and was attached to the only 2 forms to be completed to fulfill the bureaucratic requirements.
This has also another consequence. It 'clear that a large company has little interest in wasting time with two panels that can be mounted on the roof of the shed in the garden. Much better, from his point of view, to invest in a large facility, maybe covering up the hill to the left of the panels. Only the hill side before producing excellent wine (or fruit, or wheat, etc. ..) now produces energy. With a less rigid bureaucracy
we could probably have achieve the same or slightly lower paneled roofs of houses, bus shelters, etc ... and we could still taste the wine produced from the hill. In short, we exploited the territory TARE those already present rather than creating new ones.
I think the issue of employment of agricultural land by the PV system is by no means negligible.
A system as one of the photo (if you click to access' article from which I is ) occupies less than 67,000 square meters. The equivalent of 17 days and a half Piedmont farm.
In this case it was the recovery of a disused quarry aggregates (but could still out of an orchard or vineyard), but it is clear that with the spread of systems of this size the risk to the region and for the same food production is high. How then to reconcile
requiring regular produce energy (as clean as possible) with the preservation of agriculture and land?
My idea I mentioned above. While I understand that there will always need large facilities, I believe we should give space to produce their own mini and that this can be done only deburocratizzando procedures. On the other hand it takes legislation to prevent the looting of valuable areas, which are a collective good, by those who have huge amounts of capital. This can not
però prescindere dal diffondere un educazione del risparmio energetico. Altrimenti nemmeno ricoprire tutta la pianura padana di pannelli fotovoltaici e le Alpi di generatori eolici, risolverà il problema.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pain On Left Side When Urinating

You can always choose a side ...

...e quando ci si rifiuta di bombardare i propri concittadini inermi non si può essere chiamati traditori.

Le notizie sono ancora molto confuse ma sembra che un numero crescente di piloti militari libici stiano disertando, alcuni sarebbero atterrati a Malta, altri si sarebbero lanciati facendo precipitare l'aereo, disobbedendo all'ordine di fare fuoco sulla popolazione.
Considerando cosa rischiano loro e le loro famiglie nel caso il regime riesca a riconquistare il potere, non possono che avere la mia solidarity regardless.

This should be one of the planes in which pilots have defected. original photo here.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weirdest Piercing Ever

Edit 1; accounts, finally.

Post updated at the bottom.
And after the long wait physical beast corrado (lower case intentional), it produces accounts which would demonstrate that the planes do not generate enough water to produce a wake. Here
Article repeated on Straker Enemy (mica's going to give the click).

I have little time to reclaim the comment that when placed on the SE. I think there is sufficient material to demonstrate once again the bad faith of certain characters.
Notice fuffaro our walk with ease on the weight, volume, the linear distances.
Orsovolante said ...

Corrado ... innutile you do is play on the consumption per km.
The true figure is relevant is that for every km of kerosene burned [A PHYSICAL AND SHOULD KNOW THAT COUNTS IN CHEMISTRY IS NOT TO MAKE A WEIGHT AND VOLUME] produces 1.4 kg of water and to produce this one , 4 kg using 26 kg of air (I did not make it out, please check).
is then placed 1.4 kg of water per 26 kg of air. About 4-5% then the exhaust gas sono costituiti da acqua prodotta dalla combustione. A quest'acqua bisogna aggiungere quella già presente in atmosfera.

Corrado il tuo giochino dei litri per km è solo un escamotage per gettare fumo negli occhi e chi ti ha dato una laurea in fisica se ne dovrebbe vergognare.

Non ho ancora avuto il tempo e l'occasione per fare alcuni conti (non sono a casa ed i manuali da cui solitamente attingo ai dati non sono con me), ma un paio di considerazioni si possono fare subito.

A) Corrado stesso ci conferma che l'acqua rappresenta 1,4 volte il carburante in peso e 1,1 volte in volume...
Bene. Basta consultare la scheda tecnica di un qualunque aereo di linea, per scoprire che con il pieno di jet A 1, il carburante rappresenta oltre il 50% del carico.

Quindi corrado ci conferma, che qualunque altra sostanza venisse dispersa, avrebbe una concentrazione simile se non minore a quella dell'acqua prodotta dalla combustione a meno che :
1) l'aereo non decolli con pochissimo carburante. (ma la concentrazione non sarebbe mai elevatissima)
2) la teoria delle scie chimiche rinunci a ritenere tali quelle lunghe centinaia di chilometri

Corrado ci deve quindi spiegare cosa renderebbe cosi visibili le scie e a quale concentrazione e magari farci calculations rebuttal.

B) actually to saturate a cubic meter of air to less than 40 ° is very little water. If you are already sufficient to +10 ° 9 ml, at 8000 m and - 40 are enough 4 (please check and tell me if I'm wrong).
So a pound of water (or to put the corrado, approximately one liter) can saturate 40,575 cubic meters of air. That is a liter of water can produce a trail of 100 meters and long section of over 400 meters. And no contribution from exterior moisture.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Knee Swollen From Shuffling

737 grass strip

This picture comes from here .

Since the decline of contrails comedy gives us the best time to talk about things, I continue here discourse related to the operations of 737 from semi prepared runways began in comments to previous post with this picture reported by blekoldshaflo.

We used to see the airlines, even the small 737, in large airports with long runways with asphalt or concrete and large areas of the same materials. So does something imagine the same aircraft to operate from runways that are actually fields. Yet this happens relatively often and the 737 is a rugged aircraft capable of taking off from one end of daisies ... at least if the field and well rolled, mowed and long enough.

The main news on the operations of 737 from semi prepared runways we can find on the website dedicated to him, here.

This kind of skiing is actually little more than a fender. is to prevent the stones from the wheels of the front elevations, can be projected into the engines or other parts of the plane.
engine nacelles have special compressed air jets properly oriented, that are designed to remove the lighter materials from the air intake and prevent them from being ingested by the compressor.
compartment in the cart are metal grids in order to prevent any debris thrown up by tires, could damage vital parts of the plant.

flaps are also provided for additional protection.
All photos "techniques" come from the site

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Check Hydrochoric Acid In Stomach And Rosacea


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Price Per Square Foot For Retaining Wall

Offers to appease the evil spirits username mood to the temple there in the garden ..
spider killed by me 'the other night right above my bed (ok.. L' I could have photographed alive .. but I have not had the time)
The kingdom of orchids .. and in these days we have put the new next to my door ..

Making A Ballet Shoes Birthday Cake

Different countries are fresh ...
The scooter was delivered to me five days ago in the midst of a paddy ..
The Hindu temple in Tana Lot west of Denpasar ..

Qui tutto molto tranquillo e detox.. ossia che internet non arriva sempre. Quindi ci si disintossica dal "the network", dal sito della banca, dalla paosta elettronica.. da quelle cose che fai sempre quando sei in casa ed a lavoro.
Che lusso!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Illegal Hot Softball Bats

salary adjustments for co-pilots.

Once was € 6,000 but you know ... all increased.
Can anyone do the math with the ISTAT index?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

White Secretion Instead Of Period?

Imagenes desde Echo Beach in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia.

Hola a todos!
Finalmente ho uno scooter affittato da poche ore per soli 40 € per i prossimi 15 giorni..
Fondamentale mezzo di locomozione come per tutte le isole del mondo anche qui è un vero must.. praticamente i taxi non sono molto raccomandabili e le distanze da percorrere sono minime così which happens to be the ideal medium.