Friday, February 25, 2011

Brenderup Horse Trailers


Ieri, mentre rientravo in Piemonte dalla Toscana, ho notato il gran numero di impianti solari che stanno sorgendo sulle colline dell'astigiano e dell'alessandrino.
Tempo fa avevo notato lo stesso proliferare nelle langhe cuneesi.
Ora ritengo che l'investimento solare sia una cosa benemerita, But I feel that just as things are taking place in Italy, you are risking to damage, and large, even in this field.
And I think the fundamental reason why this happens, it is the political will to want to ensure large profits in a few subjects rather than to distribute the benefits among all. Let's be clear
well. I do not mean that the big investors do not have to act in this area or that you should come to a kind of community energy, but I think that the success of "alternative" is inseparable from the ability to "produce from below."
My idea, already expressed in very difficult times, is that the production of solar energy (but in some cases wind power, geothermal etc. ..), goes well with the concept of micro and mini production. "
To be clear I think that would require all legislation that would allow the construction of the roof, or just to put a panel in the garden or on the terrace instead of a parabola.
In theory you can ... practice in the bureaucratic complication is such that everyone I know , lose or give up entirely to completion, or entrusting it to companies that take charge of the implementation and bureaucracy, but also take part in exchange for the proceeds and in fact retain control over the plant for several years.
Well ... in fact we are far from what I saw years ago in a German supermarket where it was sold a kit with 2 solar panels, the special counter for energy exchange between the line and was attached to the only 2 forms to be completed to fulfill the bureaucratic requirements.
This has also another consequence. It 'clear that a large company has little interest in wasting time with two panels that can be mounted on the roof of the shed in the garden. Much better, from his point of view, to invest in a large facility, maybe covering up the hill to the left of the panels. Only the hill side before producing excellent wine (or fruit, or wheat, etc. ..) now produces energy. With a less rigid bureaucracy
we could probably have achieve the same or slightly lower paneled roofs of houses, bus shelters, etc ... and we could still taste the wine produced from the hill. In short, we exploited the territory TARE those already present rather than creating new ones.
I think the issue of employment of agricultural land by the PV system is by no means negligible.
A system as one of the photo (if you click to access' article from which I is ) occupies less than 67,000 square meters. The equivalent of 17 days and a half Piedmont farm.
In this case it was the recovery of a disused quarry aggregates (but could still out of an orchard or vineyard), but it is clear that with the spread of systems of this size the risk to the region and for the same food production is high. How then to reconcile
requiring regular produce energy (as clean as possible) with the preservation of agriculture and land?
My idea I mentioned above. While I understand that there will always need large facilities, I believe we should give space to produce their own mini and that this can be done only deburocratizzando procedures. On the other hand it takes legislation to prevent the looting of valuable areas, which are a collective good, by those who have huge amounts of capital. This can not
però prescindere dal diffondere un educazione del risparmio energetico. Altrimenti nemmeno ricoprire tutta la pianura padana di pannelli fotovoltaici e le Alpi di generatori eolici, risolverà il problema.


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