Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fifths Disease Or Teething?

Give the numbers

For years we said it was impossible to analyze the trails. Today we discover that even if he did not tell us how and when.
Here are the numbers that drew strakkino:

The figures below indicate how many times the limit "allowed" by law is outdated

Aluminium : 15.8

Antimony: 63.3 (This is not a typo)

Arsenic : 418 (This is not a typo)

Barium : 5.3

Cadmium : 6

Chrome: 6.4

Copper : 9

Iron : 43.5 (This is not a typo)

Lead: 15.7

Manganese : 513.8 (This is not a typo)

Nickel : 10.7

Zinc: 7.5

Attendiamo con ansia di sapere come sono stati ottenuti questi numeri e a quali limiti di legge ci si riferisce.

Nel frattempo consiglierei a strakkino di andare ogni giorno ad accendere un cero alla memoria di un certo Franco Basaglia.

Probabilmente è solo grazie a lui se può ancora avere libero accesso ad un computer.



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Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: vigilance and traffic warden

This afternoon, in Rome there were four brigades of service: two were males and a little 'gray-haired and two daughters.
The two older "supervision" between Piazza Duomo and Piazza San Sebastiano and took care to make removing the car park where it is not allowed, the traffic warden was placed at the intersection with Via Marconi, with the task of regulating the traffic generally in the flooded road intersection -
circollocuzione see that I had to do to not repeat the crossroads intersection and avoid writing that I do not like - and I must say that if well attended to, as the movement did not have the usual smoothly.
thus giving a better response to those who have never been able to run the traffic light, lazy, planted many years in that " crossroads."
Damn, I had to provide for the very last stands more suitable!

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Shows: Dali, Miro and Picasso in Florence

Dedicated to the early work of masters who have played a decisive role in the beginnings of modern art, the exhibition examines the period of pre-Cubist Picasso with its proceedings prior to 1907, while the works of Miró made between 1915 and 1920 are presented in relation to those of Dalí in the five years 1920-1925 to highlight the stylistic differences and relations that characterize the period before accession of the two artists to the poetics of surrealism. Continue reading ... Article

Which Country Is Best At Greco Roman Wrestling


morning, listening to the press on Radio three, I learned that Giampaolo Pansa wrote in the newspaper "Libero" an editorial in which he gave advice to young people.
Intrigued, I searched the internet, I read it and I was disappointed with this advice: I am so Parsis arrogant and rancid.
I never thought that the involution of Pansa could come to the point: the great writer-journalist, as it becomes more great age, rather than opens closes open to understanding more and more selfish in a compound that makes you forget what it is and always has been the psychology of the young man, before looking at the reality has to have some of his dream ....
I have always believed that man, as they age, it's good to look like the wine that gets better with time and has run only foiled becomes vinegar.
If we like oil, it becomes a mess: the oil with the passing years is likely to become "stale."

Images Of Bone Spurs In Feet


Tonight, starting at 19, will be held in the ordinary session of the City Council meeting of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. The first item on the agenda will be dealt with the thorny issue of replacement of the vice president of the Council with a new director, since the post was left vacant by Schembri, he opted for the office of provincial councilor. As the former vice president is An extraction is ovvio che si stia facendo di tutto perchè venga sostituito da altro consigliere della stessa.. .famiglia , ancorché dovrebbe ormai considerarsi superata e speciosa una tale considerazione, essendo ormai tutti facenti parte della più grande famiglia del predellino: P re D e L lino. A parte queste battute, che potrebbero anche apparire sconclusionate, il fatto è che si vocifera non essere del tutto semplice l'operazione vicepresidente , a causa del malumore espresso da più di un consigliere che ambirebbe alla carica, per potere far di tanto in tanto le veci dell'ormai veterano Francesco Horsehair. And, my dear, when it comes to significant stalls, you have to expect that and more: indeed you are not sure something like this at the national level, in view of the government reshuffle dictated by the need to "repay" the favor of " favorites? If this is so, it is difficult to say whether Longano Palace tonight in the first item on the agenda will be hurried up in a jiffy: Moreover, one can not but be puzzled, especially when look at the remaining four points to the agenda, repeatedly stated in view of previous meetings and impaled still waiting to be discussed and approved. Ah, dear Council Hall, as are dear ....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Nobody can judge me ... Destination paradise

The mountains shall bring forth a mouse. The new era of justice is merely the latest attempt to bend the judiciary to political power, to disguise ad personam "laws and processes to get the pre packaged alibi in case of conviction:" The judges I condemned because I want to make a reform in their non grata.
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Sail Boat Cut Template

a place that speaks for itself '...


I hope I do not want to if the "spoils" a post yet to publish a photo on the trash in this city.
I do it because it was taken in the city center and has a background to ruin that, in the stinking pile of crap to waste, now adds an inveterate note unseemly persistence.
E 'on the corner of Via Umberto Workers and the first street in front of the building that was the first police station, then the seat of the Commissioner of Ps and now the Red Cross.
do not mean to refer here to the ownership of the wreck, ignoring the pleas of the stay, and not even notify you if any visitor to the blog (anonymously or identified) believing that it detected, the in indicating his comment. ..

Vegeta Bulma Wedding Episode


When you do not have imagination, to die is small,

when he has to die too.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline , Journey to the End of the Night , 1932

While in Parliament becomes piddling for "human life" and there are those who want to crush and who wants it raw on the right and duty of everyone in relation to their life , there are those who devises the best way to solve this strange relationship with it.
One puzzling example was given to us last night a young man of 28 years, plunging to their car, chained to the steering wheel in the sea of \u200b\u200bMondello, Palermo. His name was Biagio Perricone, and nothing is known about the reason for this insane act.

Wedding Response Card Wording Espanol

I had forgotten how
traveling on the train that leads to heaven ...
say alive, the only one that exists.
You pay a ticket a bit 'salty ...
of months ... years ... sometimes a lifetime. Skip
you even you realize it
without a time without a station,
or just what it says is by train.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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The Bastard: If you know avoid them ... Deep

Gheddafi in un'intervista afferma di aver promesso uomini e armi a Bossi per la liberazione della Padania . A questo punto è lampante la spaccatura tra Maroni e Umberto. Gheddafi manda i soldati al mononeurone e Bobo li sperona.Secondo me invece potrebbe esistere una seconda chiave di lettura. I centri d'accoglienza sono in realtà dei Centri d'addestramento Po Valley, where the Libyans are taught the use of Bergamo and how to defend against ... connective we'll see
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Blob Radio pt 5

Deep Night on Radio Spreaker

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Senator Berselli DEFINES artfully DISTORTED INTERPRETATION OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE 1707 rape of a minor

few days, we had collected on Facebook news about protests against the signatories of an amendment (il1707) inserted into the bill on wiretapping, on sexual violence against children.

In this regard, Senator Maurizio Gasparri, a signatory of the disputed amendment, he believed the issue should be clarified to our fellow citizen who had evidently reached his protest. Gasparri writes in an e-mail:

"This amendment has been omitted. In order to clarify the issue. The enclose a brief account on Sen. Berson, President of the Judiciary Committee."

La riportiamo, per correttezza:

"E’ in corso una canagliesca campagna di disinformazione pilotata artatamente nei confronti dei firmatari del noto emendamento 1707, definito erroneamente sulla “violenza sessuale di lieve entità”, al riguardo del quale stiamo ricevendo e-mail di protesta dello stesso identico contenuto.

Ricordo che l'art. 380 c.p.p. prevede l'arresto obbligatorio in flagranza per il delitto previsto dall'art. 609-bis c.p. (violenza sessuale), esclusa però l'ipotesi di cui al terzo comma, secondo cui "nei casi di minore gravità la pena è diminuita in misura non eccedente i due terzi". Stando così le cose, è proprio per la "violenza sessuale di lieve entità" da Lei indicata che il nostro ordinamento giuridico non prevede l'arresto obbligatorio in flagranza.
Non è quindi assolutamente vero che si proponga l'arresto facoltativo per la ipotesi di “violenza sessuale di lieve entità”, per la semplice ragione che ciò è già previsto, come già detto, dall'art. 380 c.p.p. Attualmente l'art. 380 c.p.p. non prevede l'arresto obbligatorio in flagranza per il reato di cui all'art. 609-quater (atti sessuali con minorenne consenziente) ed è per tale motivo che la Commissione Giustizia del Senato ha invece ritenuto di prevederlo, esclusa però la ipotesi dei casi di lieve entità. Tutto qui. Ha senso che l'ipotesi lieve di violenza sessuale preveda l'arresto facoltativo in flagranza, mentre quello di atti sessuali con minorenne consenziente nella ipotesi lieve (ad esempio un semplice bacio tra un 17enne ed una 13enne) preveda addirittura l'arresto obbligatorio in flagranza? La “violenza sessuale” non è certamente ipotesi meno grave degli “atti sessuali con minorenne consenziente”. Per concludere, è stata proprio la Commissione Giustizia del Senate, I have the honor to preside, to introduce mandatory arrest in flagrante delicto for "sexual acts with a minor," but we want rightly ruled out for minor cases as is expected in the hypothesis "sexual violence". Sen. Phil Berselli

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Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: COLORS AND SCENTS Carnascialeschi

A carnev ale - all colors and smells - like this year, I think there ever.
If the cold weather that cut the sides, this morning, has recommended to fill the masks of "houses" of Piazza Duomo and the gardens of the oasis - all I saw a dad giving his hand a little child dressed as Zorro - in return to paint and perfume squares and streets has provided the ATO.

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speechless ... (March 8)

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Stds Show In Urine Test

Barcelona PG, "The Way of the Culture Night devoted to the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy 150 years.

Saturday, March 5, 2011 the Cultural Association Genius Loci, chaired by Bernard Garland, has organized" The Way of the culture ", an evening devoted to the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy 150 years. The long event started at 17 with" Walk Garibaldi. "The students of the institute including" Sebastiano Genovese "and" Capuana, "led experts of the genius loci have retraced the footsteps of Via Garibaldi Garibaldi and Mazzini, through the plaques from the Republican Party in 1922 (Mazzini) and in 1960 (Garibaldi and Josephine Bolognani). The gravestones have been highlighted by the flag affixed by the City and panels on tricolor background with texts drawn from the historical texts of the case and Philip Rossitto, made by Genius Loci. The Via Garibaldi has been enriched by twelve images of "Genii Loci Barcelona", some linked to the Renaissance and other historical street (Filippo Rossitto, Joseph Bolognani, Fazio Mario Salvo, Luigi Sottile Recovery, Placido Mandanici, crates, Giuseppe Cavallaro, Nino Balotta Pino, Alessandro Manganaro, Bartolo Cattafi, Sebastiano Genovese, Michele Stilo) and Workers' Association of the Mutual Assistance has opened its local showing works of art, a tricolor giant, historical artifacts, and broadcast the national anthem. Former pawnshop, coordinated by Marcello Crinò, the conference has unfolded on the uprisings, with reports Saverio Di Bella, a professor of modern history at the University of Messina and Patricia Zangla, a history teacher at Valley High School Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhile Italian Andrea, an art historian, has studied the Renaissance in painting. The reports were interspersed with readings from the history pages of Philip Rossitto, edited by Claudia Sorace. In the end I spoke to Dr. Philip Barbarini, Dr. Sindoni and Prof. Massimo. Bartolo Cannistrà Milazzo Chairman of the Committee for the celebrations of the 150th Unit of Italy. Massimo Sindoni recalled the figure of his ancestor, Captain Virginia Medical Valsecchi, born in Badia Polesine (Rovigo) October 10, 1829, to the expedition of the Thousand and Barcelona met and married Agostina D'Amico, grandson of the Marquis Ferdinand antiborbonico (1777-1864), mayor of Barcelona from 1829 to 1831. Valsecchi was shown a photo kept by the descendants of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe D'Amico family-Sindoni. The painter Nino Gentile has instead exhibited a painting entitled "Brothers of Italy, who wanted to donate to the association, and other historical artifacts were exhibited by the Museum Cassata. At the conclusion of the event was offered to citizens with a concert of the Quartet Plectrum "Vincenzo De Bonis," composed by Robert Raneri (mandola) Cristian Raneri (mandolin), Maria Grazia Caffarelli (guitar), Joseph Garufi (bass). For the first track from the Symphony Cimarosa's Orazi e Curiazi, played at the Risorgimento and until the first half of the twentieth century. Then the Prelude to Act I of La Traviata , written by Verdi for the mandolin, the 'Hymn to Garibaldi Olivieri, Symphony from Nabucco, Carmen Fantasy by Bizet , l' Inno di Mameli and, as a, the Tarantella op. 18 of the Neapolitan Raffaele Calace. (E-mail: @ ass.genius.loci ; Blog: ; Facebook: Association Genius Loci).

(Marcello Crinò, coordinator Genius Loci)

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Books: "No one is saved alone"

Delia and Gary were a couple. Now there are more, and tonight they have to learn not to be. They meet for dinner at an outdoor restaurant, shortly after breaking up what was a family. He moved to a residence, she has remained in the house with the little Cosmo and Nico.
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Sample Donation Letters For Church

Margaret Mazzantini Mamma, "murmured the young lady ...

Mrs. Anna Palumbo collects twenty thousand euro from accountant Berlusconi: "My Noemi - told the newspaper - it is a girl that I raised in the light of the Gospel and Lord "." My daughter calls him popes because we brought in the worship of Silvio. "
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March 8

Tantissimi auguri all'altra metà del cielo...
Spesso la parte migliore.

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speaks for itself 'AN AMENDMENT TO SENATORS pitfalls of B & B


I read on Facebook, hit me and I "snatched" to make a post barcellonablog. I do not make no comment: it's up to you whether indignant before such audacity ....

"It speaks for sé.Si had invented an amendment carino.Zitti just shut up in the draft law on wiretapping had pushed the 1707 amendment, quelloche introduced the term" minor sexual violence "against minori.Firmatari of PDL and some senators who proposed the abolition of the League of inflagranza arrest in cases of sexual violence against children, though - in fact - of "minor." without specifying as to take place in practice , sexual violence "minor" bambino.Dopo against a denunciation of the Democratic Party, in the center- There was a stampede, the "but not I knew," the "I did not understand," the "I did not think it was just so" united all'inevitabileberlusconiano "you have misunderstood." Then, finally, a Members of the Democratic Party has discovered the signatories of the amendment 1707.Annotateli well (and remember the faces): sen. Maurizio Gasparri (PDL), sen. Federico Bricolo (Lega Nord Padania), sen. Gaetano Quagliariello (PDL), sen. Roberto Centaro (PDL), sen. Filippo Berselli (PDL), sen. Sandro Mazzatorta (Lega Nord Padania) sen. Sergio Divina (Lega Nord Padania). For the record, Senator. Bricolo was the one who proposed the "prison for those who remove a crucifix from a edificiopubblico" (but not for those who groped or put a finger in a child or a child), the sen. Berson is the one who said "to have been initiated into sex by a prostitute" (and here of course very ...); sen. Mazzatorta sought to introduce into our system several "amendments to prevent mixed marriages," while Senator Divine has become famous for having said publicly that "are as Trentino snarling dogs, and who understand only the logic of the stick" (quote a phrase of Mussolini ).... and now we start to think whether to be more politically correct with those who voted for both a "move that pays ... let it run if you want the information and time .. today is a almost ethical duty ... for each one of us.

Peliculas De Monida Rocaforte


had never been a shooting so close to the Twin Towers, with the immediacy of the terrible criminal attack in New York.
In the video you can watch the dramatic sequence, recorded from a helicopter lifted off to Manhattan soon after the plane impact Kamicaze

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Public School: the discourse of Calamandrei

"Let's say, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. Does not want to march on Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship.
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