Monday, March 7, 2011

3dpo Discharge/cramps


goes round and round cucumber and ends at base Consumer

We entering the era of eco-shoppers, or to put the Italian, environmentally friendly and compostable bags.
Already some supermarkets have been replaced the old plastic bags, to which we are accustomed and almost affectionate, being useful for the disposal of waste.
Without thinking, however, the serious damage caused by the platic them up for the destruction of which must pass hundreds of years.
The statistics in this regard are clear:
  • More than 24 billion plastic bags consumed in just one year.
  • Nature employs more than 400 years to dispose of a single plastic bag.
  • By 2015, Italy will be flooded with plastic. These three
its slogan of environmentalists, alarmed and can only lead us to accept relief with the launch of "transhumance sacchettiana, which - when they run out of the polythene bags - all the traders will have to implement.
However, what can not be relieved of the burden imposed by the higher price of the bag - 10 cents each - that each buyer is required to pay.
It 'clear that, at least currently, the cost of bags for the operator is without doubt the two traditional ones, but this does not necessarily mean that it should become odious to the buyer, who notes that the shopper is paid ten cents used by a dealer as an advertising vehicle for the benefit of its exercise: the public should not necessarily be borne by the customer. GA
the consumer knows how advertising affects the cost of goods purchased and it is logical that he can digest the heavy one and another.
Five cents for biodegradable bags would be well ... the right price.


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