Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Leroi Air Compressor Model 160rgi Manual


E 'the case to say it: in our part of the "common pot never boils."
clear evidence we have flat-spotted yesterday, the mayors of the municipalities in ATO ME 2 members who joined together in Barcelona at the request of the Mayor of Milazzo to address the repeated garbage crisis provoked by the banning of the landfill Mazzarrà of Sant ' Andrea compactors from the territory of the territories, have failed to agree to go out groped by this obscene state of inpasse, determined by them.
rather than opens to try to cut off the head of the bull, agreeing on the need to organize themselves in order to overcome quell'elefantiasi that made monstrous management ATO have rather preferred to continue to beg for financial plugging the Region and Serit, thus perpetuating the recurrence of problems and consequences, to the detriment of hygiene public.
The first step in this direction will do tomorrow Commissioner ATO Saviour King will meet with the Director General of Serit, hoping to squeeze some advance on the proceeds of adjustment bills, whose collection service has been entrusted to precisely that Agency.
But since what will be required to Serit - if it is granted - will servire per pagare le mensilità arretrate alle maestranze, non si capisce con quale espediente si potrà fare riaprire i cancelli della discarica di Mazzarrà.
Un esempio di come si dovrebbe operare per uscire da questo miserevole stato, potrebbe venire dall'iniziativa intrapresa dal sindaco di Milazzo, Carmelo Pino che, avviando la gestione diretta della riscossione per il servizio di nettezza urbana prestato nella sua città, ha già fatto un primo passo concreto verso la porta d'uscita d'un Ato ormai cadavere.
Ciò intanto gli consente una certa disponibilità di denaro con cui far fronte alle esigenze più impellenti: questo primo tentativo ha convinto il sindaco di Barcellona a seguirne the example, so that he announce that from next month in April, the Barcelona City Council will collect the taxes directly rsu.
This intention, however, like all mayors, so that at yesterday's meeting there were some who objected strongly, claimed that they will maintain custody of the ATO service.
The meeting that might have led to an amalgam of intentions but has run ended with a tangle of disputes and claims little cheering, the ATO to confirm that the pot will never boil, despite the boiling of his poking up .

Francis Cilona


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