Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stds Show In Urine Test

Barcelona PG, "The Way of the Culture Night devoted to the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy 150 years.

Saturday, March 5, 2011 the Cultural Association Genius Loci, chaired by Bernard Garland, has organized" The Way of the culture ", an evening devoted to the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy 150 years. The long event started at 17 with" Walk Garibaldi. "The students of the institute including" Sebastiano Genovese "and" Capuana, "led experts of the genius loci have retraced the footsteps of Via Garibaldi Garibaldi and Mazzini, through the plaques from the Republican Party in 1922 (Mazzini) and in 1960 (Garibaldi and Josephine Bolognani). The gravestones have been highlighted by the flag affixed by the City and panels on tricolor background with texts drawn from the historical texts of the case and Philip Rossitto, made by Genius Loci. The Via Garibaldi has been enriched by twelve images of "Genii Loci Barcelona", some linked to the Renaissance and other historical street (Filippo Rossitto, Joseph Bolognani, Fazio Mario Salvo, Luigi Sottile Recovery, Placido Mandanici, crates, Giuseppe Cavallaro, Nino Balotta Pino, Alessandro Manganaro, Bartolo Cattafi, Sebastiano Genovese, Michele Stilo) and Workers' Association of the Mutual Assistance has opened its local showing works of art, a tricolor giant, historical artifacts, and broadcast the national anthem. Former pawnshop, coordinated by Marcello Crinò, the conference has unfolded on the uprisings, with reports Saverio Di Bella, a professor of modern history at the University of Messina and Patricia Zangla, a history teacher at Valley High School Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhile Italian Andrea, an art historian, has studied the Renaissance in painting. The reports were interspersed with readings from the history pages of Philip Rossitto, edited by Claudia Sorace. In the end I spoke to Dr. Philip Barbarini, Dr. Sindoni and Prof. Massimo. Bartolo Cannistrà Milazzo Chairman of the Committee for the celebrations of the 150th Unit of Italy. Massimo Sindoni recalled the figure of his ancestor, Captain Virginia Medical Valsecchi, born in Badia Polesine (Rovigo) October 10, 1829, to the expedition of the Thousand and Barcelona met and married Agostina D'Amico, grandson of the Marquis Ferdinand antiborbonico (1777-1864), mayor of Barcelona from 1829 to 1831. Valsecchi was shown a photo kept by the descendants of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe D'Amico family-Sindoni. The painter Nino Gentile has instead exhibited a painting entitled "Brothers of Italy, who wanted to donate to the association, and other historical artifacts were exhibited by the Museum Cassata. At the conclusion of the event was offered to citizens with a concert of the Quartet Plectrum "Vincenzo De Bonis," composed by Robert Raneri (mandola) Cristian Raneri (mandolin), Maria Grazia Caffarelli (guitar), Joseph Garufi (bass). For the first track from the Symphony Cimarosa's Orazi e Curiazi, played at the Risorgimento and until the first half of the twentieth century. Then the Prelude to Act I of La Traviata , written by Verdi for the mandolin, the 'Hymn to Garibaldi Olivieri, Symphony from Nabucco, Carmen Fantasy by Bizet , l' Inno di Mameli and, as a, the Tarantella op. 18 of the Neapolitan Raffaele Calace. (E-mail: @ ass.genius.loci alice.it ; Blog: www.geniuslocibarcellona.splinder.com ; Facebook: Association Genius Loci).

(Marcello Crinò, coordinator Genius Loci)


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