Monday, March 7, 2011

Eagle Bus For Sale Texas

speaks for itself 'AN AMENDMENT TO SENATORS pitfalls of B & B


I read on Facebook, hit me and I "snatched" to make a post barcellonablog. I do not make no comment: it's up to you whether indignant before such audacity ....

"It speaks for sé.Si had invented an amendment carino.Zitti just shut up in the draft law on wiretapping had pushed the 1707 amendment, quelloche introduced the term" minor sexual violence "against minori.Firmatari of PDL and some senators who proposed the abolition of the League of inflagranza arrest in cases of sexual violence against children, though - in fact - of "minor." without specifying as to take place in practice , sexual violence "minor" bambino.Dopo against a denunciation of the Democratic Party, in the center- There was a stampede, the "but not I knew," the "I did not understand," the "I did not think it was just so" united all'inevitabileberlusconiano "you have misunderstood." Then, finally, a Members of the Democratic Party has discovered the signatories of the amendment 1707.Annotateli well (and remember the faces): sen. Maurizio Gasparri (PDL), sen. Federico Bricolo (Lega Nord Padania), sen. Gaetano Quagliariello (PDL), sen. Roberto Centaro (PDL), sen. Filippo Berselli (PDL), sen. Sandro Mazzatorta (Lega Nord Padania) sen. Sergio Divina (Lega Nord Padania). For the record, Senator. Bricolo was the one who proposed the "prison for those who remove a crucifix from a edificiopubblico" (but not for those who groped or put a finger in a child or a child), the sen. Berson is the one who said "to have been initiated into sex by a prostitute" (and here of course very ...); sen. Mazzatorta sought to introduce into our system several "amendments to prevent mixed marriages," while Senator Divine has become famous for having said publicly that "are as Trentino snarling dogs, and who understand only the logic of the stick" (quote a phrase of Mussolini ).... and now we start to think whether to be more politically correct with those who voted for both a "move that pays ... let it run if you want the information and time .. today is a almost ethical duty ... for each one of us.


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