Saturday, March 5, 2011

Did Anyone Take Sleepy Time Tea While Pregnant


three days from tomorrow to mobilize and debates to "return to the world 's Italy"

After the extensive participation in the event of Feb. 13 last Raio , which was launched nationally by a group of women in the world of culture, labor and civil society to put a stop to the degradation of culture, politics and our country, the Organizing Committee Messina decided to continue that experience and how organized the first step a series of initiatives on the occasion of International Women's Day.

"The purpose of the Committee is to give voice to many people, men and women who want to put a stop to the degradation of politics and more generally the country," the spokesman explained .

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the Committee will be in the streets of Messina to collect his thoughts, the anger, the proposals, the dreams of those who want an Italy different.

Sunday, March 6, 10:00 am - Piazza Duomo

Monday, March 7 - 17.00-Piazza Cairoli

Tuesday, March 8 - 10:00 am - Piazza Cairoli e piazza Duomo.

“Lo slogan scelto da Comitato nazionale per l’8 marzo è Rimettiamo al mondo l’Italia - spiegano da comitato messinese- Noi, partendo da questa idea, abbiamo pensato di chiedere alle donne e agli uomini di Messina cosa, secondo loro, servirebbe per “rimettere al mondo l’Italia ”.

Martedì 8 a partire dalle ore 17.30, presso la Sala Visconti, il Comitato ha organizzato la proiezione gratuita del film “ We want sex- Cambieremo il mondo ”, pellicola recente di Nigel Cole, lo stesso regista de L’erba di Grace, che racconta in chiave ironica la storia vera di un gruppo di operaie of England in the '68 Ford that fought for equal pay and for their rights.

Following a round table discussion moderated by journalist Giselle Ciccio which will address the issues raised by the film and, more generally, those at the base of the movement "If not now when." "


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