Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kate Kate's Playgroun


If the City does not move in the right direction, which allows it to operate on his own to the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe can be sure that the state of emergency, which makes it impossible to live in this town repeatedly, not only continue to exist, but also will increase.
And it will not be the sweeper on duty, who is accused of camp out instead of sweeping, but above all we have to make us accountable to ourselves for the ugly turn that our habits are taking: that is the turn that makes us, if not resigned accustomed and even insensitive to the dirt that grows.
Sometimes we become so insensitive as to be cynical: and they state the facts, like the one shown in this photo, which shows that there are people so masochistic to enjoy the combination of garbage to make it more chaos and disarray.
boxes, thrown as it comes, right in the city - here we are in Piazza San Sebastian - which certainly does not save the dignity of this city.
and decorum should take responsibility, as well as citizens, Messrs. vigilli city, which apparently they make very little supervision, unless it is to whistle for a few cars out of place ....
Mr. Mayor, I mean a good time what you do to counteract this bad habit of some fellow citizens who, instead of breaking their boxes and place as it must, break the boxes ... to the whole city? Answer
once, please, send without any spontaneous ... paladin.


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